Context: Starting from the first discovery of extrasolar planet or exoplanet around
a sun-like star, more than 5,000 confirmed exoplanets have been detected till now.
But still we have very less information and interpretations about the atmosphere
of such outside worlds.
Aim: In this project we mainly focus on gas-giant exoplanets, commonly known
as hot-jupiters due to their jupiter-like shape and structure but a huge tempera ture. We studied the atmosphere in two different aspects. At first we modeled
the day-side emission spectra and studied their variation with respect to different
amount of atmospheric flow and heat-redistribution using the existing radiative
transfer theory. Then we modified the current theory of diffuse reflection prob lem according to the context of Hot-Jupiter atmospheric temperature structure to
provide more accurate interpretations of present and future data.
Methodology: For the first part of the work we used numerical simulation and
analytical approach to study the atmospheric redistribution effect. In the numer ical context the discrete space theory formalism is used for the first time to solve
the line-by-line radiative transfer equation and generates the planetary emission
spectra. In the second part of the project, a purely analytical approach is taken
to modify the existing theory of diffuse reflection problem by adding the atmo spheric thermal emission contribution to it. The Invariance principle method is
used for this modification treatment.
Results: In the first part of this work we have showed that the atmospheric heat
redistribution plays a major role in changing the vertical atmospheric temperature pressure structure as well as the day-side emission spectra. Depending on the
amount of (full, semi and no) heat redistribution the magnitude of the day-side
emission flux changes substantially. We also considered a particular case of hot jupiter XO-1b and showed that this planet has efficient day-night heat redistribu tion and holds the same temperature structure all over the planet. In the second
project we showed that the modified results of diffuse reflection problem incor porates both the effects of thermal emission and diffuse reflection in the final ra diation from the planetary atmosphere. Also our results in this context is more
general and consistent with the previous results as obtained by Chandrasekhar in
case of only scattering. Hence we conclude that our approach will provide more
accurate and reliable interpretations of the data observed in exoplanetary science.